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The execution on my FINAL THREE in Photoshop!!!

Theme: No Phone Zone
Art Movement : Surrealism
Reference Artist: Salvador Dali
Reference Artwork: The Persistence of Memory

The program I used to edit my pictures is Adobe Photoshop CS4.

Shark Phone

I used this two as my reference picture while editing my drawing in Photoshop. 
This is my original sketch. 

Using Levels, I manage to adjust it so that my picture looks like that. On the left is the levels I used to increase the clarity of the sketch. I had to use a clipping tool to clip my picture to the adjusted levels as the colors I use later on in my picture tend to be a shade darker if I did not do so. 

After that, I used a gradient tool to produce the sea water background of the shark. 
Light blue #12d6ee
Dark Blue #22252a
After dragging it around several times, I finally chose this gradient as its background.

For the rest of the filling in the colors, I used the magic wand tool to select the original sketch, causing it to select the lines. This allows me to paint all over the picture, without erasing the lines. 
After that, I colored the sharks body and the fishes around it. It was all done by using a brush with 100% hardness. 
Yellow Fish #f1ff20
Green Fish #29be30
Orange Fish #df6c00
Shark #9aa290

Next, I colored the teeth and gums of the shark.
Teeth #f1eecc
Gums #f1cce3
Blood #e90e32

Next, i used the brush with 0% hardness and soft light mode and color it all over the picture. This is to give the picture a under the sea feeling. 
Blue screen #d6fafc   

Lastly, I added this texture to my painting. I had to transform it 90 degree and rasterize it, then I overlay it onto my picture, giving this result. 

The Phone Bride

 These are the pictures I used to get an idea on how I would like my picture to look and the colors I should use will editing my picture in Photoshop.

My original sketch

For this sketch, I used a different way to darken the lines. I used the magic wand on the sketch, causing it to select all the lines. Then I press inverse so that I can work on the lines instead of outside the lines and I use the brush tool and paint it black. This causing all the lines to darken. 

I started by painting the background of the picture.
The sky,
I used the gradient tool to get the effect of the sky that I wanted
Dark colour #51a6e7      Light colour #a3cdee
Then i use the brush tool, to paint the clouds in the sky Cloud #9fbee1
After that, I used the pencil tool to draw the birds on the sky. 
The sea,
I used  the brush tool  to paint the sea, I used  a different color blue to give the sea a bit more color.
Sea #7bc3d2    Highlights #65c8da
After that, I used a pencil tool again, to draw the waves in the sea.
The sand,
I used paint brush tool to color it with 2 different shades of highlights. 
Sand #ebd6cd     Highlights #e8c2b1 and #d3b0a2

Next, I painted the bride and groom
Skin colour #eac3a6
Gown #f185bd
Veil #fbeef3
Jewely #f185bd
Body #0d0c0c
Screen #f9f3f3
Bow Tie #e80520

Lastly, I painted all the flower using a brush tool. 
I used 
Yellow #e6dd2a
Pink #e091b0
White #ffffff
to give it a wedding feeling. 

After that, I chose this painting to be the texture. I again, transform it by rotating it 90 degrees. Then, I rasterize it and overlay it to my painting.

The Haunt Phone Galore 
Original picture

 I used the same method as the The Phone Bride to darken the lines.
I used the magic wand to select the lines only, as seen on the picture on the left. 
Using the brush to paint all the line black after pressing the inverse to inverse the selection. 

After that I used the paint bucket causing the whole picture to turn purple but it is alright because I would painting over it again so I just left it as it is. the brown I used is #33211a
Then, I painted the dark sky using a paint brush. 
 Black # 020106
Cloud #0a051f and # 090810
Next, I used the brush with less hardness and soft light to make the stars. #f8f8f8

I, then used the brush tool to paint the moon
Yellow #fafe4a
First I painted the moon, then make the brush diameter to 2500px and change the hardness to 0 and              soft light to make the shine. 

I painted the tombstone using a brush.
Gray # abaca6
Highlighted gray # 6c7070
After that, I soften the brush hardness for the highlight.
Next, I made the crack on the tombstone by cropping it from an original picture.
I copy and paste it onto my own painting. I erase the background away. 
Then arrange it around all the tombstone using the transform too,
flipping it horizontally and vertically.
Lastly, I add a tinge of gray around it to get it to blend in.

After that, I work on the phones. 
For the Body, the brush is set at opacity 78%, normal mode, no harness
 For the glow, screen and buttons the brush is set at opacity 23%, soft light mode and no hardness
-          Red # e41515
-          Purple # b35dcd
-          Pink # f58fde
-          Orange # f4864a
-          Green # 98fb85
-          Light Purple # e0d1e7
-          Blue # 5277ff
-          Gold # feeb7b
This is how all of it looks like after painting all the hand phones. 

I chose this paintings texture and rasterize it. Then, I overlay it onto my painting. 
This is how it looks like in the end. 
This is also the painting that I chose to print. 

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My Top Three

The picture show a shark with a phone screen as it's head...
Symbolize - That the phone is TERRIBLE!!!

A bride is walking down with a "groom" (which is the handphone)
Symbolize - The person missed his own wedding due to using the phone while driving.. so don't use the phone and drive at the same time.. think of beautiful wife....

The picture's setting is in the graveyard.. and instead of ghost flying around.. hand phone is seen flying around instead...
Symbolize - These people buried here all met with an accident while using the hand phone....

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The sketches

Movement: Surrealism
Reference Artist: Salvador Dali
Theme: No Phone Zone

Sketch #1

The picture shows a car being squash by a phone....with blood flowing out...
Symbolize - That phone can do much damage if used while driving...

Sketch #2

The picture shows that the root of the plants are connected to handphones.. while the plant is dead.. with the car as the dead flower..
Symbolize.. this is causation.. the phone is bad for the car... (the roots take up nutrients and water for the plant).. if poisoned (phone), the plants (car) will die...

Sketch #3

The picture show a car... a devil phone and an angel version of the car..
Symbolize - This is quite simple.. It contains the angel and devil, with the devil being a phone and the angel is the car itself.. It depicts that phone(s) are bad for cars...

Sketch #4

This picture shows a car banging into a large phone...
Symbolize- don't drive and use the phone at the same time, the phone would be the cause of you meeting an accident....

Sketch #5

The picture shows a highway.... with phones as the leaves of a tree... The clouds and arrows are words...
Symbolize.. put all together.. the picture should say NO (the clouds) PHONE (the phones on the tree) ZONE (the arrows on the road)

Sketch #6

The picture shows a phone driving a car.. with a watermark of a cross over it....
Symbolize - No using phones while driving.....

Sketches #7

The picture shows a phone in the shape of a car banging into a tree...
Symbolize - The meaning is quite literal.. if u use the phone while driving.. u might hit into things...

Sketch #8

The picture show a shark with a phone screen as it's head...
Symbolize - That the phone is TERRIBLE!!!

Sketch #9

The picture is a handphone but it is made up of several items.. a petrol pump, 2 cars, a film and a bookshelf...
Symbolize - Handphone are not allowed to be use at a petrol station (petrol pump), in the car (2 cars), in the cinema (a film) and in the library (bookshelf).

Sketch #10

The picture's setting is in the graveyard.. and instead of ghost flying around.. handphone is seen flying around instead...
Symbolize - These people buried here all met with an accident while using the handphone....

Sketch #11

The picture indicates money flying away, with a phone taking the place of wear the Agung's head is suppose to be..
Symbolize - When one uses the handphone while driving, you might receive a summon or meet with an accident... Thus, the money flying away....

Sketch #12

The picture's setting is in a petrol station....The phone takes the place of a petrol pump... It is on fire...
Symbolize... The phone symbolize using a phone at a petrol station... The fire indicates the consequences that could happen if one uses the handphone at a petrol station....

Sketch #13

The picture is a family portrait, with the child being replace by a handphone... The broken heart as the background...
Symbolize... The handphone is where the child is suppose to be but due to the child using the phone while driving, he or she is dead.. thus, the incomplete family picture.. the broken heart symbolize what the family is feeling....

Sketch #14

The picture shows a phone in a graduation picture with the background of books (not drawn) and a graduation cap, a banquet of flowers and a diploma.
Symbolize - If we use the phone while driving, we might end up in a hospital or dead... Thus, causing us to miss special moments like this.. e.g. graduation....

Sketch #15

The picture shows a driving license with a picture with ears, eyes or nose , a car key and a phone with ears, eyes and nose.
Symbolize - When we use the phone while driving, we become blind, deaf and mute... In another sense, it reduce our sense.. causing us to be in the risk of meeting an accident....

Sketch #16

The picture shows a phone at a line up... taking a picture to indicate it will be send to jail soon..
Symbolize - That if want uses the phone while driving, there might be a chance of being sent to jail.. due to banging somebody.. or any other reasons....

Sketch #17

A bride is walking down with a "groom" (which is the handphone)
Symbolize - The person missed his own wedding due to using the phone while driving.. so don't use the phone and drive at the same time.. think of beautiful wife....

Sketch #18

The heart rate monitor going *beeeeeeeeeep*, indicating that the handphone is dead.
Symbolize - Handphones are not allowed in the hospital...

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