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Class Notes
Chapter 4 : The Design Process
-presentation and communication skills
-schedule for your project
-research (ongoing)

Problem-Solving Model - Define the project -> develop budget and schedule -> conduction research -> (ideation ->preliminary comps) thumbnail sketches -> presentation & critique ->refinements (final camps) -> final presentation (approval, production, distribution)

-conceptual sketching and thumbnails
- remember that you are not looking for THE answer but many different answers to the problem
- work quickly, never spending too much time on any one idea
- use whatever is at hand to explore all possible option
- work quickly so not attach to work
- be open minded

Scan sketches and put in blog... (A4)
18 sketches of ideas....

Intellectual = idea generated, word dominated
Visual unity =  placement of design elements perceptible to the eyes

Visual Dynamics
- Kinaesthetic projection
- Top to bottom
- Vertical and Horizontal (Diagonal)
- Left to Right


- Symmetry 
- Asymmetry
- Balance through contrast (hue and composition) (size) (use visual element to look like words)

Visual Perception
Semiotics - symbol that has a culturally accepted meaning , Icon looks like the thing
Groupings (figure/ground)

Color Theory 
Choose one color pallet to refer to 

Complimentary - opposites on colour wheel
split compliment - take the colours next to the colour opposite
Analogous - next to each other on color wheel
Monochromatic - different value of hue

Triads - draw a triangle on the color wheel to get the right color to use
-Think of fresh idea all the time.. so it's not repeated...
- View from a different frame of mind
- Gestalt theory - a platform to predict how viewers will perceive visual elements (cognitive)
- Five main principle (similarity, continuation, closure, proximity, figure/ground)
- High key, low key, shapes, foreground VS Background, portrait,  horizon line (keep the picture in balance..), edges, movement, perspective and depth, mergers

Selections and Channels

Tools: Marquee, Magic Wand, Quick Selection, Lasso tool

Select a certain area- magic wand (press Q to get it all red and use brush or eraser to get the area u want) Control C and v to create a new layer of it)

Using lasso tool. Slowly draw around the area you want

Layer mask - get two picture. copy one to the other. hide the copied picture and use a selection tool to select the area. then press mask layer.

Filter - Texturizer

Eye dropper tool - to copy color from picture

Choose colour library from arrow next to the word swatches

Healing brush tool - press alt to copy an area. then press on area

Clone tool burst - press alt at the area u want and copy to a place u want

History tool brush - erase what u have done before

Dodge tool and burn tool- fairer or darker skin

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