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Reference Artist

Salvador Dali

Name: Salvador Felipe Jacinto Dali I Domenech
Birth: 8.45am on 11 May 1904 in Spain
School: San Fernando Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid

Background of Salvador Dali
  • 1925, first one man-show in Barcelona
  • 1928, internationally known when 3 of his painting was shown in the third annual Carnegie International Exhibition in Pittsburgh.
Basket of Bread
  • Dali became the leader in the Surrealist Movement.
  • 1934, Dali was expelled from Surrealist Movement because of a disagreement.
  • Salvador Dali was not limited to a particular style or media.
  • Early impressionist paintings -> surrealist works -> his classical period
  • reveals a constantly growing and evolving artist.
  • Dali worked in all media (oils, watercolors, drawings, graphics, and sculptures, films, photographs, performance pieces, jewels and objects of all descriptions.)
  • He left for posterity the permission to explore all aspects of one’s own life and to give them artistic expression.

The greatest known Surrealist artist is the world famous Salvador Dali.

Background of Surrealism
  • It is a cultural movement and artistic style.
  • Founded in 1924 by Andre Breton.
  • Uses visual imagery from the subconscious mind to create art with logic.
  • It attracted many Dadaist.
  • Influenced by psychoanalytical work of Freud and Jung.
  • The movement was begun primarily in Europe.

The Persistence of Memory

This is Salvador Dali's most famous artwork. (It is one of the best known surrealist work.)
The Persistence of Memory is generally interpreted as the soft watches are a rejection of the assumption that time is rigid.

Elements of Design
Lines are fine.
Shape are odd (not the regular shapes)
Direction is not constant, to give the emphasis of the picture.
Sizes is depending on the distance of the object.
Texture is smooth.
Color(Hue) are dark colors.
Value(Tone) the bottom of the painting uses a darker value compare to the top.

Principle of Design
Balance is used in this picture as the cliff is smaller, showing that is further behind.
Gradation, from light to dark, allow us to look at the picture as a whole.
Repetition is used in his painting (e.g. there are many clocks) but there are many variations to the clocks, making the picture looks interesting.
There isn't much Contrast in his painting.
Harmony is used to make object, usually look odd together. look normal.
There are no Dominance in the picture as the story is told together.
Unity give the picture a eye soothing feeling even if the items are bizarre.


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Blog photo

This is the original picture which was taken by my friend Zhi Yuin in Melaka.

Firstly, I added a photo filter. It is warming filter (85). The density of it is 35 percent.
The picture looks sharper after adding the photo filter.

Next, I added a color balance. I changed the Cyan-Red setting to plus 2.
This made the picture's the face in the picture richer in colour.

After that, I added Curves. This brighten up the whole picture.

I, then added the text - Psyched Designs, which is the title for my blog.
The text type is Viner Hand ITC, 48pts.
It is white in color and the edges are crisp.
I also added a horizontal wave to the words.
The bend of the wave for +48%, horizontal distortion +60% and vertical distortion -5%.

Lastly, I added a vibrance layer. I maximize the vibrance and saturation to +100.

TADAA!! This is the end results that you see on top.

~Comments on how I can improve the picture is much appreciated~

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All about me

Name: Rachael Kat Zi Yin
ID number: B1100143
Course: Bachelor of Psychology (Hons)
Year: 1 Semester: 3
Age: 19
Date of birth: 7 May 1992

I have many different interests, but the main one would be movies.
I love movies. Not the technical side of it.

But the story and the characters of a movie.
I would spend hours after hours studying a movie.
The personalities of its characters,
the intentions of their actions,
the underlying meaning of the whole scene.

I also like to read people's thoughts and reviews towards a movie.
Because, I am sure that the scriptwriters may have meant it to be one meaning,
but people are most definitely to perceive it differently.
I would over-analyze the movie.

And thoroughly enjoy the whole process.

(Taken from http://techgyo.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Movies.jpg)

I have plenty of these too.
But there is only one that has stayed the same since I was young.
Is that, I want to open a free clinic one day.
(Taken from http://getfbadfree.com/wp-content/plugins/wpshapeshiftr/images/marketing-free1.jpeg)

My clinic would not have a base,
but it would travel around the world,
helping people to stand up again,
helping to overcome hardship,
helping people to fulfill their dreams.
I know it's hard to achieve as I would have to bare the costs if I want the clinic to be free.
But, I believe, one day,
I would be rich enough to do so.
I would be able help those people one by one.

(Taken from http://www.pollsb.com/photos/o/386600-psychologists_movies.jpg)

I want to be a psychologist when I graduate.
It would either be family or child psychology.
I want to help people.
As doctors help people physically,
I would like to help them mentally.
As both has to work together for one to overcome anything.
I hope to have my own clinic one day.
I hope to help as many people as possible,
and reduce the number of suicide cases.

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